Earlier this year, we all woke up to the news of one country invading another. The whole story did not make sense to me so I went to YouTube to watch videos to help me understand the exact reason for the invasion. After watching a couple of videos, I was more confused than I was earlier. I was scared for the future of our world. What is the essence of all the international peace agreements if we don’t have peace? A few months on, the state of the conflict has not changed. Thousands have been injured, many more have been killed and millions of people have been displaced. The wars, political chaos, confusion, terrorism etc. affects people of all ages, gender, religious beliefs etc. Where does all humanity go after death? What happens to the wicked people after they die? Do those who suffer from evil men get recompensed after they die? Many world faiths believe in life after death. Christians believe in the judgement for the wicked and evil. Our hope in Christ transcends this life. Paul noted in 1 Corinthians 15:19 that “If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied.” Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. (John 14:27) The events happening around us are potential triggers for worry. Imagine enduring a global pandemic for two years and when we thought all is well, we were told that we are not safe yet. On a daily basis, we are bombarded with heartbreaking news, new epidemics, new battles, new terrorism, xenophobic activities, etc. It seems like a never-ending cycle of new things to worry about. How can we survive and still have our peace? Jesus, being aware of all these, told His disciples in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” The state of our hearts could be affected after hearing all that is happening around us. Many people have died from the shock of hearing bad news. Others have developed heart complications. The heart is a fragile organ and we need to handle it with care. Being aware that the troubles of the world will not end, but in Jesus we have peace should keep our heart in check. Recently, I decided to watch less of the news about the world’s struggle and spend more time praying for all people to have peace. The more we focus our energy on the pain, the less we lose sight of our inner peace. I recently watched a video from a Pastor in Ukraine. This man and his family are living in the middle of a war zone. But, their faith is not shaken. He had an inner peace that those of us living far away from Ukraine do not possess. I don’t know where the world is heading to but I know that no matter what may come, we have an anchor that keeps our souls. Whether in this life, or in the life yet to come, we will see a better world without pain, worry and pain. Knowledge of this makes life easier and keeps our hearts from worry. Remember, you can heap all worries until you get heart complications or you can look up to Jesus and free your heart from pain.
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