What made the teaching ministry of Jesus so effective? After over 2000 years of the delivery of Jesus’ messages, there has been no effective teacher as Jesus. In this post, we outline twokey principles that made Jesus an effective teacher and how to apply that in your own teaching; whether it is teaching your children, teaching music, teaching mathematics or the bible, etc.
1. Jesus taught nothing without directives from the Father.
John 12:49 “For I have not spoken on My own authority; but the Father who sent Me gave Me a command, what I should say and what I should speak.”
Jesus’ got his curriculum and the content of his messages directly from God the Father. Actually, Jesus had to depend on God for how to present the sermons he delivered. Jesus’ claim in John 12:49 can be summarized in the phrase “Absolute dependence on God for what to teach and how to teach it”
What does this mean? How can you apply this to your own teachings, whether it is teaching Mathematics, Economics, the Bible or Chemistry? Here are a few thoughts: First, we all must understand that the Holy Spirit knows more economics, mathematics, Archimede's principle, physis, chemistry, biology or any other course you can ever think of.
Therefore it is a mistake to think that we do not need the Holy Spirit when it comes to teaching any subject other than the Bible. What this means is that we must be willing to commit to the Holy Spirit the concepts we seek to teach while preparing and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us and shape our thought and understanding.
This certainly is not an avenue to play the lazy game expecting the Holy Spirit to do everything for you. Every sincere person should know that the Holy Spirit doesn’t do such things. Instead, you do your necessary preparation with Him and trust in His power and not your abilities. As a principle thought in the scriptures, anything you do in life, including little things such as sitting, eating, drinking, etc, that you do solely on account of self dependence is a problem. In all things, God wants us to be dependent on Him. Independence of God in anything is sin. Independence is a result of the fallen nature of man.
“Commit your works to the LORD, And your thoughts will be established.” Proverbs 16:3
2. Jesus’ teachings were backed by the power of the Holy Spirit.
John 6:63 “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.”
Jesus’ words came with some cutting edge on the heart. It is impossible to listen or read the words of Jesus with a sincere heart without it having any impact on your heart. His teachings are not just words. They are Spirit and Life.
This impact is a result of the point raised in (1) above: That is, “absolute dependence on God for what to teach and how to teach it”.