Exactly a year ago, my family made the biggest intercontinental relocation of our lives. To be honest, when husby said he felt God telling him that he should take his PhD in Canada, I wasn’t so moved. I thought, why would we move from the UK to Canada to start all over again? Indeed, the preparation for relocation itself is a whole book and stress on the departure day was just enough. Travelling is fun for me but relocating with a whole family including a 2-months old baby was really stressful. The assurance I had all along was “Do not be afraid for I am with you.” The presence of the Lord made all the difference. A year later, all that we can say is, “We are thankful oh Lord.”
I am God, the God of your father,” he said. “Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you into a great nation there.(Genesis 46:3) If relocating as a family of 4 was that stressful, imagine Jacob and his entire family of almost 70 people moving from Asia to Africa. In an era of nomadic transportation, the over 100years old man and his entire family including animals and possessions travelled a couple of days to arrive in Egypt. Jacob knew that God will be with him. He was assured of the presence and protection of God. He was not afraid because God kept assuring him of His presence. In the land of Egypt, the Israelites prospered and became numerous. God indeed multiplied the 70 people into a great nation. As at the time they left Egypt, there were thousands of people. Maybe you have had that inclination and prompt from God to move on. Maybe you are stuck in an unproductive friendship, a job that keeps draining you, a place that makes you feel uncomfortable etc. You have made several attempts to move on but you are afraid of losing it all. Today, ask God to show you the way forward. Speak to Him about the situation, tell Him about the need for a change and be conscious to hear back from Him. We do not have any reason to remain in Canaan when the food is in Egypt. If God is prompting you to change, it means there is something better for you. Be ready at all times to know the move of God. In case you are not sure how to listen to the voice of God, know that God speaks to us in different ways. He can speak through our Bible study and quiet times, He can speak through dreams and visions, through other people and sometimes through situations. If you feel the need to move on in life but you are not sure, speak to God and get other believers to pray with you. Remember, if God is calling you to move, do not be afraid, for He will make you into a great nation there.