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Praise Him from the heavens and the heights

Writer's picture: Michael & Mary AgronahMichael & Mary Agronah

My first flight experience was very fascinating. I was so amazed looking down from the skies and seeing the earth so small and everything looking so tiny. The sky was so bright and the moon lighted the sky in all its radiance. The stars seemed far away as compared with the moon but I couldn’t miss their light as well. The heavens were indeed declaring the glory of the Lord. As I sat in my seat, I was filled with so much praise. As morning came, the clouds began their humble parade. One, two, three and a gazillion of clouds hanging up there with nothing holding them but they were so perfect. As we ascended higher, the very white clouds below looked like a uniformed army ready to take charge. And as we descended, the mountains showed up in their radiance. In the sky, the heights looked so small but getting closer, I could get a better glance at the magnificent peaks and the beautiful vegetation that are around the height. Indeed, God is the Master designer! Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise him in the heights above. (Psalms 148:1) I couldn’t help but to join the Psalmist to praise the Lord. Psalm 148 is a perfect praise for how I felt: “Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise him in the heights above. Praise him, all his angels; praise him, all his heavenly hosts. Praise him, sun and moon; praise him, all you shining stars. Praise him, you highest heavens and you waters above the skies. Let them praise the name of the Lord, for at his command they were created, and he established them for ever and ever— he issued a decree that will never pass away. Praise the Lord from the earth, you great sea creatures and all ocean depths, lightning and hail, snow and clouds, stormy winds that do his bidding, you mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars, wild animals and all cattle, small creatures and flying birds, kings of the earth and all nations, you princes and all rulers on earth, young men and women, old men and children. Let them praise the name of the Lord, for his name alone is exalted; his splendor is above the earth and the heavens. And he has raised up for his people a horn, the praise of all his faithful servants, of Israel, the people close to his heart. Praise the Lord.” Whenever we are in doubt of the presence of a Creator, let’s consider the orderliness of creation. No automatic process could have been so smart to put everything where they need to be. The heavens and all that stay in the heavens are in the appropriate place. The fish is in the water, the animals are on land and some amphibians live in the water on the land. Imagine if humans were to live in water, we wouldn’t survive because our bodies are not fit for water living. We need special diving suits and oxygen tanks to go underwater for a while. No fish requires an oxygen supply down there! When astronauts travel to outer space, they have to wear a spacesuit and be in a spaceship because humans were not made for space. However the stars, the moon, the sun, the meteors comfortably hang up there because that is where they belong. God placed us exactly where we belong and that alone should cause us to give Him praise. Never wish you were anything else other than human, for if you were made a mosquito, you would probably have died on your first attempt to bite a human. Praise God for making you….you!

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