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The denial!

Writer's picture: Michael & Mary AgronahMichael & Mary Agronah

Have you ever been denied by someone you expected to stand up for you? To be denied by a loved one is very hurtful and this can affect the relationship in the long term. However certain circumstances can cause people to deny you. I pray that we will never face denial from those we love. If you have ever been denied, know that you are not alone. On the night Jesus was arrested, Peter denied being the disciple of Jesus. Prior to the arrest of Jesus, Peter had told Jesus that, “I will lay down my life for you” (John 13:37). At Gethsemane, Peter demonstrated his zeal by cutting the ear of one the servants of the high priest who came to arrest Jesus. But, Peter denied the Lord three times. “You aren’t one of this man’s disciples too, are you?” she asked Peter. He replied, “I am not.” (John 18:17) What made Peter deny the Lord? Peter indeed loved the Lord but at the time of the arrest, Peter like the rest of the disciples were filled with fear. He followed the soldiers to the courtyard of the high priest and joined the servants and the officials to warm themselves while his master faced trial. On three occasions, on the same night, Peter denied being a disciple of Jesus. At the third denial the rooster began to crow reminding Peter of Jesus’s words, Then Jesus answered, “Will you really lay down your life for me? Very truly I tell you, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times!” (John 13:38). What did Peter do after denying the Lord? “Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken: “Before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.” And he went outside and wept bitterly” (Matthew 26:75). Peter showed remorse for his actions. After the death and resurrection of Jesus, Peter was reinstated by the Lord and Peter was forgiven. On three occasions, the Lord Jesus asked Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” Peter replied, “you know that I love you” (John 21:15). Of course the Lord knew Peter loved him but the Lord reminded Peter of his assignments; “Feed my lambs”, “Take care of my sheep”, “Feed my sheep” (John 21:15-17). After the arrival of the Holy Spirit, this same Peter who was afraid of a servant girl, stood boldly and declared the gospel of Jesus until his death. Peter did not wallow in the denial state, he repented of his actions and after the Holy Spirit had been given, Peter became a pillar that led the new church and till date, we are all part of this church. This story reminds us that, when we fall down, we should do everything possible to get up. As long as we stay down, we shall remain in the pit. But, when we repent and confess, we are forgiven and we are able to do exploits for the Lord.



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