Recently a brother shared with us the story of a global scammer. This man has scammed people of all walks of life and has built for himself a pool of wealth. Unashamedly, he was flaunting his stolen wealth and giving praise to God for blessing him. Imagine that! God doesn’t bless us with stolen wealth. This scammer has been doing this for years and 1000s if not millions of people have fallen into his global syndicate of scammers. What was his motivation? He wanted to be rich. His love for money did not cease when he became thousands of dollars rich. He was going for millions and billions. Is it bad to be rich? Does God hate rich people? The answer is No! For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. (1 Timothy 6:10) Abraham was God’s friend and God blessed him so much that He He Lot had to separate to different places (Gen. 13). King Solomon was so rich that his wealth attracted different kings to visit him (2 Chron. 9). Money is good for life and the worries of many third world countries are caused by poverty. However, money if not handled with godly principles, becomes the root of all evil. Imagine the scammer we just mentioned! What could have caused a young man to dupe people if not to become rich. The love of money and the eagerness to make money has brought sorrows and pains to some people. In fact some people have even abandoned their faith just to chase money. God desires us to have our needs provided and to have enough to provide the needs of others. However, we should never love money more than we love God. Whenever the focus shifts from God to money, the result is disaster. Families have divided because of money. Friends have become foes because of money. People with devilish intent are parading as good Samaritans because they are able to give money to the poor. People are losing their dignity to the devil just to make money. The heartless ones are killing others so they can make more money. We are in a generation that money speaks volumes. No matter how wise you are, your wisdom is considered as nothing. But the folly of the rich person gathers followers. We all need money but watch your motives so your money doesn’t become your god. Remember, money can be used to secure eternal rewards and can also be used to secure eternal damnation. Be guided by the Spirit of God in your pursuit of money.
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