Growing up in Ghana, I heard popular cliché such as “life owner”, “living my full life”, “best life” and many more. It is easy to think that we live our best lives when we are in control of everything including our fashion style, our finances, our businesses, our marriage, our children etc. These things are good and might give temporary satisfaction but they do not give you a full life. The most hardworking people are all rich and famous. Why do we need to work when we are still rich? Why don’t we get permanent satisfaction from pleasure? Why do we still desire things each day? The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full (John 10:10). Man’s insatiable needs cannot be satisfied with man’s hardwork and riches. In fact, whether you are working hard or smart, none is able to make you whole. When we started our online business (working smart), it did not stop us from desiring to have more opportunities to work. The devil is much aware of man’s insatiable appetite for wealth and affection. Therefore, he comes like a thief (usually not clothed as a thief) to entice man until he steals you from God, kills your dreams and visions and finally destroys you and makes you a candidate for hell. The level of total and permanent satisfaction is only found in Christ. Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” Jesus is the original “life owner”, He gives grace to “live life in full” and we have our “best life” through Him. It doesn’t mean you will have a bed of roses, what it means is that you will be made spiritually whole and thus be able to escape the deceitfulness of the devil. So the question is, are you living your best life now?” To ponder: With Jesus in your boat, you are assured of getting to your destination. When the storms and the tempest roll, He will just proclaim, PEACE, BE STILL. Therefore, commit to making Jesus the captain of your life.
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