While growing up, there were times I felt my parents were too strict. Why were we not given freedom like other children? Why should we always obey our parents when other children disobey and are not disciplined? I must confess, although the Sunday school teachers reminded us to obey our parents because that pleased the Lord, I appreciate my parents parenting skills better now that I am an adult. I thank God I was trained, disciplined, corrected and directed everyday. As a parent now, I feel the same urge to train my children on the right path so that they can grow up as God-fearing and responsible adults. If we fail to instill godly principles, we give room for the devil to operate in the lives of our children. Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6 NKJV) The Bible is very open on training up and bringing up children in the fear of the Lord. The world may present children’s right as a better alternative but the advocacy for children’s right has led many destitute. The rise in the use of harmful drugs, the exposure to weapons, and the public display of sex has been a foundational problem. We are quick to blame authorities for our parental failures but we find it difficult to accept that no teacher, trainer, counselor, nanny etc. can train up our children better than us parents. To build and sustain godly principles in our homes, we should be very intentional in training up our children. Proverbs 22:6 states that: “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it” (NKJV). I remember vividly every instruction I received from my parents. They may not have attained celebrity status or even higher education but their counsel is golden. When we understand that we are responsible for the godly training and upbringing of our children, we should focus our attention on seeking knowledge that will aid us in training them. The challenges of drug abuse, sex and relationships have become stumbling blocks for both Christian and non-Christian parents. Many parents choose to shy away from engaging in meaningful conversations about these topics. It was strange in our days to hear children talk about relationships and sex. Now, even the kindergarten child is aware of sex and relationships. They have boyfriends, girlfriends, crushes, have exes etc. This is the reality now. The media has exposed children to so many vices that we as parents need to talk to them about it before they get misinformed by others. Our homes will only be better if we spend time training our children. It may seem like an impossible task but with dedication, persistence, intentionality, perseverance and God’s grace, we will raise up godly and responsible adults. Finally, let’s continue to pray for the children. As we teach and train them, let us also pray for God’s guidance and protection. May God help us even as we commit to intentional parenting.
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