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Trust Him to return 

Writer's picture: Michael & Mary AgronahMichael & Mary Agronah

There are countless promises I have made to my nephews. Anytime we speak on the phone, I promise to visit them but it has been quite some time since I last visited. I am sure they don’t trust my visitation promises anymore. There are many people who don’t keep to their words. When they tell you to look up, they will be busily minding their businesses down without consideration for your neck! You can look up until you hurt your neck but they don’t care. Others have become professional liars and every word from their mouth needs to be passed through a litmus test. They have a lie to cover every lie and have built a hedge of falsity around them. Still, some people are so sincere and trustworthy that they are committed to ensuring that every promise they make is fulfilled. If you do not have a trusted companion, you are in a big dilemma! He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.(Revelation 22:20) A lot of people have been through so much that it is very common to hear people comment that they have trust issues. If you have experienced at first hand how it feels to be disappointed by those you trusted, you will take every word with a pinch of salt. However, we don’t stop trusting because others have failed us. Throughout this month, we have considered different biblical examples of trusting in God. Do check the previous posts. We have identified that God is trustworthy and He watches over His word to fulfill it (Jeremiah 1:12). As we consider this, I want to remind you of Parousia. Jesus is coming again and He said it on several occasions while He was on earth. He also told the Apostle John in the Revelation to the churches. He said in Revelation 22:20 that “Yes, I am coming soon” and He will return. It doesn’t matter how long it takes. When we understand that the Parousia is going to happen, we prepare ourselves each day in anticipation. As we wait, we should get ourselves ready at all times. We should prepare spiritually, emotionally and physically. We should also be willing to share the love of God with others. How can others trust in His return if we don’t let them know? We should be driven by compassion and love for humanity. We should not be ashamed of our faith and be willing to share whenever there is an opportunity. My colleagues from other religious beliefs are identified by their appearance and dressing. They are never shy of their faith. But most of my Christian colleagues are silent about their faith because they don’t want to hurt others. I have never been hurt because others of different faiths publicly practice their faith. Why should others be hurt at lunch time because I prayed over my food? We might live in an ever changing world but that does not change who we are! Jesus is coming soon. Yes! Trust Him to return and be ready to meet your Lord.



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