Am I humble?: Understanding the meaning and nature of humility
Humility and pride are very crucial subjects but less spoken off today. How can you tell if you are humble or proud? Both humility and pride have one thing in common: they both originate from the heart and manifest themselves through human behaviour. It is sometimes very difficult to pinpoint the presence humility and pride through human behaviour alone. This is because we are all limited in our sight and can only judge by outward appearances alone. This book is the first of two-book series on humility and pride. In this book, you will learn what true humility is. Jesus, the perfect example of humility is discussed in this book. Both his life of humility and his teachings on humility are studied. We dedicate time at the end of the book to discuss practical ways one can develop a life of humility. This book is a must-read book for all: parents and children, students and teachers, husbands and wives, employees and employers and everyone else.
Am I humble?: Understanding the meaning and nature of humility
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